The 64th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery The 64th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery


Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosure Policies

All presenting authors including spouses, relatives of the first degree, and persons with whom they share a living, are required to report on *Appendix, Items 1 to 9 (items that need to be self-reporting and standard amounts) concerning conflicts of interest.
All first presenters are required to disclose their conflict of interest status at the beginning of their presentation slides using forms 1 and 2 below. If you have no relationships to disclose, please use form 1, If you do have such relationships to disclose, use form 2.

Form 1 Form 2

Cases that need to be self-reported and the standard amount

  1. For executives and advisors of companies and organizations, self-reporting is required when the amount of remuneration from a single company or organization is 1 million yen or more per year.
  2. With regard to stock ownership, self-reporting is required when the profits from stock (sum of dividends and profits from sales) in one company for one year are 1 million yen or more, or 5% or more of the total stock in question is owned.
  3. For patent royalties from companies and organizations, self-reporting is required when the annual royalty for a single patent is 1 million yen or more.
  4. Regarding the daily allowance (lecture fees, etc.) paid by a company/organization for the time and effort spent by the researcher in attending (presenting at) a conference, self-reporting is required if the total annual lecture fee from a single company/organization is 500,000 yen or more.
  5. With regard to manuscript fees paid by companies/organizations for writing pamphlets, etc., self-reporting is required when the total annual manuscript fee from a single company/organization is 500,000 yen or more.
  6. Regarding research funding provided by companies/organizations, self-reporting is required when the total amount paid by a single company/organization for research (contracted research, joint research, etc.) is 2 million yen or more per year.
  7. For donations provided by companies/organizations, self-reporting is required if the total amount paid by a single company/organization to the individual filer, the department (course, etc.) to which the filer belongs, or the representative of the laboratory is 2 million yen or more per year.
  8. Self-reporting is required when the filers belong to the endowed courses offered by companies/organizations.
  9. For other offerings (travels, gifts, etc. that are not directly related to research), self-reporting is required if the total amount received from a single company or organization is 50,000 yen or more per year.
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